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Examining New Tablet


Redesign of Claremont Graduate University's campus app.


Redesign MyCGU is a UX case study that I worked with my partner Lynn Yeh, who is also my classmate at CGU.  As college students, we find it’s very helpful when school-related information is easily accessible and navigable to students and faculties, especially if they want to attend events or visit a certain place on campus. Having all information presented on a mobile app is very portable and convenient, however, the current campus app of CGU doesn’t deliver a great experience for its users.


Although most of CGU students do aware the existence of MyCGU app, many of them don’t use it often.
As we tried to navigate the app, we noticed that it lacks aesthetic design and many important features that
should be included in a campus app.


We decided to completely redesign the MyCGU mobile app to alleviate the problem and strive to develop a
campus app that updates students with the latest campus events, boosts their willingness to participate,
encourages more communication between peers and with school faculties, and provides on-campus navigation.


To achieve our goal, we decided to develop a user-friendly app with a more delicate visual design, better
functionally, and more useful resources and information to encourage students to access school-related 
information through the mobile app.


To validate the problem, we developed and distributed a quantitative survey to 37 CGU students.


In addition, we conducted 8 user interviews to discover current users’ pain points and what do we need to
make changes based on how they interact with the app.


A competitive analysis was conducted to see how other colleges design their campus apps and what are the
designs and features that were popular so we can implement and embed into our own MyCGU app.

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